Lydian Mode

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The Lydian Mode

Light, airy and magical with a dose of mystery and wonder from the Augmented 4th (♯4).

You can get to the Lydian Mode by either:

  • Adding an Augmented Fourth (♯4) and a Major Seventh (7) to the Major Pentatonic,
  • raise the fourth note of the Major Scale to an Augmented Fourth (4➔♯4),
  • start on the fourth degree of the Major Scale and adjust the key,
  • start on the sixth degree of the Minor Scale and adjust the key.

The Augmented Fourth

Like the Blues scale, the Lydian Mode also contains the Tritone (♭5/♯4), but here it functions as an Augmented Fourth (♯4). The Tritone - as a Diminished Fifth (♭5) - sounds evil and tense, but as an Augmented Fourth (♯4) - it adds mystery and wonder. It’s the same interval, but our perception of it has changed with context and its relationship with the other notes in the scale. The Augmented Fourth (♯4) gives the Lydian Mode its sound - lean into it.


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